Unpicking the Lib-Con coalition

Which best describes your feelings for the new Lib Dem - Tory coalition government now that it's been running for a while?

Friday 21 May 2010

Lord Mandelson resigns

Peter Mandelson's previous two resignations from the Labour front bench made big bangs.

This time, he's gone again, and there's not even been a whimper. His departure yesterday from the Labour shadow cabinet went almost completely unreported by the BBC and the broadcast media.

Our friendly visiting alien might assume that there's a reason for that. Keep the resignation hush-hush, so no-one will be all that surprised when he pops up again as a minister in the new coalition government. The transition will look almost seamlessly silky-smooth, something that would please the Dark Lord greatly.

(Lord Adonis has gone quietly too - keep your eyes on the Department for Transport ministerial team page, he might just be putting in a re-appearance.)

1 comment:

  1. Good ridance to bad 'power elite' rubbish! I hope he crawls away into a dark corner with all his dark cronies and never blights our lives again. Rotten to the core just like his banking puppet masters.....
